Photoshop & Illustrator Shortcuts

My personal repository of my commonly used Photoshop and Illustrator shortcuts. These shortcuts have been carefully curated over time to streamline my workflow and increase my own productivity. Whether you're a beginner looking to familiarize yourself with these tools, or a lifeless livery designer looking to be quicker, you'll find these shortcuts useful.


Command Shortcut
(CUSTOM) CTRL + . Flip horizontal
A Direct Selection Tool
CTRL + [ Move layer down in the hierarchy
CTRL + ] Move layer up in the hierarchy
CTRL + / Lock Layer
CTRL + A Board Selection (for centering objects on the entire canvas or together)
CTRL + G Group selected layers
CTRL + J Duplicate Layer
CTRL + SHIFT + ALT + W Export As
G Paint Bucket
P Pen Tool
SHIFT + D Reset selected colors to Black/White
T Text Tool
V Move Tool



Command Shortcut
A Direct Selection Tool
CTRL + [ Move object down in the hierarchy
CTRL + ] Move object up in the hierarchy
CTRL + 2 Lock object
CTRL + ALT + 2 Unlock ALL objects
CTRL + F Paste in copied place
CTRL + G Group selected objects
CTRL + R Rotate Tool
CTRL + X Cut + Copy
F Change screen mode
Holding Space (I have this bound to a mouse key) Allows free movement around the canvas
I Eyedropper Tool
M Shape Tool
N Pencil Tool
P Pen Tool
Shift + Click (when using the eyedropper tool) Fill only either the fill or stroke (depending on which you have selected)
Shift + X Switch object’s fill and stroke color
T Text Tool
V Move Tool
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